Reliable local port-forwarding from Kubernetes

Alex Ellis

Learn how one user cleared his headache and got reliable local port-forwarding for Kubernetes


A developer working on an API for the UK Government reached out to me and asked if he could use inlets to access a NATS message queue from within a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster on his laptop. The answer was yes inlets Pro could do that, but we hadn’t documented it very well yet. My understanding was that getting access to the message queue from his laptop meant that he could watch things happening “live” and fix a bug that was blocking his progress at work.

I asked why he wasn’t using kubectl port-forward and the answer surprised me.

The traditional use-case for inlets Pro has always been exposing or tunneling a service from a private cluster to a public cluster. This kind of forwarding is called remote port forwarding and is the use-case we’re used to seeing with Ngrok. A port is forwarded to a remote cluster for access via its network. The difference between inlets and Ngrok or Argo tunnels, is that inlets can forward a service and also keep it private on the remote network by binding it to loopback, or a non-public adapter. inlets Pro customers tell me that they do this quite often for hybrid cloud use-cases and for continuous deployment to edge locations.

Remote forwarding

Remote forwarding pushes a local endpoint to a remote host for access on another network

The developer that contacted me wanted to “bring back” a remote service to his local computer without exposing it on the internet. This is called local port forwarding.

local forwarding

Local forwarding brings a remote service back to localhost for accessing

Trying it out before responding

The simplest experiment I could think of was to forward SSH from my Intel NUC to my Apple MacBook Air M1 which didn’t have SSH running on it. If it worked as desire, then at that point, running ssh -p 22 localhost on the Mac would have given me a connection to the NUC’s SSH service.

My NUC had an IP of, so I logged in, then ran:

inlets-pro tcp server \
  --auto-tls-san \
  --token test1234 \

The new flag here is --client-forwarding, because the client is forwarding ports and this is disabled by default for security.

Then on my M1, using Rosetta, I ran the x86_64 binary:

inlets-pro tcp client \
  --local 2222: \
  --local-addr \
  --ports 8000 \
  --url wss:// \
  --token test1234

The --local flag is really what we care about here. It’s saying which ports need to be brought back from the remote network.

Then --local-addr makes sure that the services that are brought back are only bound to loopback, so that nobody can access that SSH service on my local network.

Then finally, I just ran:

ssh -p 2222 localhost

It worked. On to the Kubernetes part.

Replacing kubectl port-forward

It turns out that kubectl port-forward disconnects often and can give a poor connection for long-term use. He’d also tried using the various tools that people usually turn to here, and they had the same issues because they all wrapped the same Kubernetes port-forwarding API.

First we create a Deployment for the inlets Pro server to run in a Pod. It will forward traffic from within the cluster back to the client on his laptop. To get NATS installed I just installed OpenFaaS using arkade install openfaas, because OpenFaaS bundles NATS within its helm chart:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: inlets-server
  namespace: openfaas
  replicas: 1
      app: inlets-server
        app: inlets-server
      - name: inlets-server
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        command: ["inlets-pro"]
        - "server"
        - "--auto-tls=true"
        - "--auto-tls-san="
        - "--token=test1234"
        - "--client-forwarding"

Note the --client-forwarding flag. You can also create a secret and mount that as a volume instead of specifying a hard-coded value.

Next, the client needs to connect to the control-plane port of the inlets Pro server. So decide whether you want to expose the control-plane via a NodePort or a LoadBalancer using the built-in automatic TLS termination. Another option is to turn automatic TLS termination off and let an IngressController do that instead.

I thought a LoadBalancer would be the simplest approach:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: inlets-control
  namespace: openfaas
    app: inlets-server
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: inlets-control
      port: 8123
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 8123
      nodePort: 30812
    app: inlets-server

After applying those YAML manifests, I checked that the service came up with kubectl logs -n openfaas deploy/inlets-server - it looked good.

Next up, it was time to give him the inlets client command, just like what we had before to access SSH:

inlets-pro tcp client \
  --local 4222:nats:4222 \
  --local-addr \
  --ports 8000 \
  --url wss:// \
  --token test1234

That was it. I could then run the NATS CLI and do a benchmark on the NATS server running directly inside my OpenFaaS instance on my Intel NUC.

$ arkade install nats

/home/alex/.arkade/bin/nats bench test
10:43:24 Starting benchmark [msgs=100,000, msgsize=128 B, pubs=1, subs=0]
   0s [====================================================================] 100%

Pub stats: 397,314 msgs/sec ~ 48.50 MB/sec

He seemed to be running Linux, because he then generated a systemd service so that he could have the inlets client running all the time.

To generate your own just add the --generate=systemd flag to any inlets Pro command.

Description=inlets Pro TCP Client

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/inlets-pro tcp client --url="wss://" --upstream="localhost" --auto-tls --ports="8000" --license-file=/home/alex/.inlets/LICENSE --token="test1234"


The user was so happy that he emailed me and said:

ALEX! YOU ARE A STAR! You literally managed to solve my greatest headache Ps. If you don’t mind I’d like to describe your project and how it saved my life in my new article on Medium

That message made the whole exercise worth it, and of course he picked up a personal use license for himself after that.

Why did I go to all this effort, for one user, who may have solved his immediate problem with the free trial key? And if not, would only buy the lowest priced license? For one - these problems are why I created inlets, I wanted to help users reach services in networks and make the developer experience 10x better than existing tools. I was also inspired by Paul Graham’s essay: Do things that don’t scale.

Wrapping up

In a short period of time, a user who was frustrated with the friction of existing and accepted tools find a workaround that saved him from a considerable headache. I had to go the extra mile, but hope that this little exercise we went through will help many more users to come who may have landed here.

Depending on the levels of interest, we may consider adding a feature to inlets Pro or inletsctl to automate his kind of local port forwarding. You may also be interested in the inletsctl kfwd feature that was built last year for a similar usecase, where users wanted to remotely forward a local service into a Kubernetes cluster.

Forward a Kubernetes service to the local machine using the --if flag to 
specify an ethernet address accessible from within the Kubernetes cluster

  inletsctl kfwd [flags]

  inletsctl kfwd --from test-app-expressjs-k8s:8080
  inletsctl kfwd --from test-app-expressjs-k8s:8080 --if

  -f, --from string        From service for the inlets client to forward
  -h, --help               help for kfwd
  -i, --if string          Destination interface for the inlets server
      --license string     inlets Pro license key
  -n, --namespace string   Source service namespace (default "default")
      --pro                Use inlets Pro

Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about inlets.

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