Alex Ellis
Learn options to deploy to a private cluster from a GitHub Action without exposing it to the Internet.
When it comes to building and deploying code, who actually wants to maintain a CI/CD server for their projects? That’s where services like GitHub Actions come into their own - within a short period of time you can be building containers and publishing images to your private registry.
But what about when it comes to deploying to your servers? What if they are running on-premises or within a private VPC that you simply cannot expose to the Internet?
There’s three options that come to mind:
If we want to move away from managing infrastructure, then building a full VPN solution with a product like OpenVPN or Wireguard is going to create management overhead for us. We also need to be certain that we are not going to make our whole private network accessible from GitHub’s network.
Self-hosted runners can make for a useful alternative. They work by scheduling one or more actions jobs to run on servers that you enroll to the GitHub Actions control-plane. You’ll need to either install these tools to an existing server or provision a new one to act as a proxy. The risk is that you are enabling almost unbounded access to your private network.
The third option is more fine-grained and easier to automate. It involves forwarding one or more local ports from within your private network or Kubernetes cluster to the public GitHub Actions runner. The only thing it will be able to do, is to authenticate and send requests to what you’ve chosen to expose to it.
For the fourth option - a GitOps agent like ArgoCD will run in your cluster and keep checking for new images to apply or deploy. This only works well but you are tied to Kubernetes. The approach I’m outlining today works whatever API or system you’re using. But, if you are tied into Kubernetes and your resource can be created through kubectl, then a tool like FluxCD or ArgoCD could be a good option. We covered this approach on the blog: Learn how to manage apps across private Kubernetes clusters.
Using a GitOps agent means you will need to split up how you build your images from how you deploy them. This may not suit traditional companies who are well versed with a CI job both building and deploying images.
On the left hand side we have a private VPC running on AWS. This could also be an on-premises Kubernetes cluster for instance. It has no incoming traffic enabled, other than through a load balancer for port 8123 into our inlets server. The inlets server only exposes a control plane to inlets clients. It has authentication and TLS encryption enabled.
On the right hand side, GitHub Actions needs a URL to deploy to OpenFaaS. It cannot access the OpenFaaS gateway running inside our local, private network, so we establish an inlets tunnel and forward the gateway service from the network network to localhost. It’ll only be available for the GitHub Action at this point.
The inlets client binds the remote OpenFaaS Gateway to:
within the GitHub Actions runner, but does not expose it anywhere on the Internet
Example command for the server:
export SERVER_IP=$(curl -sfSL
export SERVER_TOKEN=$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
inlets-pro tcp server \
--auto-tls-san $SERVER_IP \
--token $SERVER_TOKEN \
You can deploy the inlets server through a Kubernetes YAML manifest and place it alongside your OpenFaaS containers.
Create a LoadBalancer service, and wait until you have its public IP address:
cat <<EOF > inlets-forwarding-svc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: inlets-forwarding-server
namespace: openfaas
app: inlets-forwarding-server
- name: https
protocol: TCP
port: 8123
targetPort: 8123
nodePort: 32007
type: LoadBalancer
kubectl apply -f inlets-forwarding-svc.yaml
Next, create a Deployment for the inlets server:
# Populate with the IP of the LoadBalancer
# You can get the IP of the LoadBalancer by running:
# kubectl get svc -n openfaas inlets-forwarding-server
export SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n openfaas inlets-forwarding-server -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
export SERVER_TOKEN=$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
# Capture the token for later use.
echo $SERVER_TOKEN > server-token.txt
cat <<EOF > inlets-forwarding-deploy.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: inlets-forwarding-server
namespace: openfaas
app: inlets-forwarding-server
replicas: 1
app: inlets-forwarding-server
app: inlets-forwarding-server
- name: inlets-forwarding-server
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
command: ["inlets-pro"]
- "tcp"
- "server"
- "--auto-tls-san=$SERVER_IP"
- "--token=$SERVER_TOKEN"
- "--client-forwarding"
- containerPort: 8123
kubectl apply -f inlets-forwarding-deploy.yaml
Note that only port 8123 needs to be exposed. Nobody will be able to access any services within your private network.
Check the pod’s logs with: kubectl logs deployment.apps/inlets-forwarding-server
In the GitHub Action, you’ll run an inlets client at the beginning of the job or just before you need it.
This is the syntax for running a inlets client with forwarding enabled:
# Populate from previous step
export SERVER_IP=""
# Create a GitHub Action secret with the token i.e. secrets.SERVER_TOKEN
export SERVER_TOKEN=""
# Assuming the tunnel is running as a Kubernetes Pod in the same namespace
# use "gateway" otherwise "gateway.openfaas"
export UPSTREAM="gateway.openfaas"
export PORT=8080
inlets-pro tcp client \
--local-addr \
--ports 8000 \
--url wss://$SERVER_IP:8123 \
And this is what it might look like in a GitHub Action:
name: build
- '*'
- '*'
actions: read
checks: write
contents: read
packages: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
fetch-depth: 1
- name: Get faas-cli
run: curl -sLSf | sudo sh
- name: Get inlets
run: |
curl -sLSf -o ./inlets-pro
chmod +x ./inlets-pro
sudo mv ./inlets-pro /usr/local/bin/
inlets-pro version
- name: Establish tunnel
run: |
export SERVER_IP="${{secrets.SERVER_IP}}"
# Create a GitHub Action secret with the token i.e. secrets.SERVER_TOKEN
export SERVER_TOKEN="${{secrets.SERVER_TOKEN}}"
# Assuming the tunnel is running as a Kubernetes Pod in the same namespace
# use "gateway" otherwise "gateway.openfaas"
export UPSTREAM="gateway"
export PORT=8080
inlets-pro tcp client \
--local-addr \
--ports 8000 \
--url wss://$SERVER_IP:8123 \
--license "${{secrets.INLETS_LICENSE}}" \
--token $SERVER_TOKEN &
- name: Login
run: >
echo ${{secrets.OPENFAAS_PASSWORD}} |
faas-cli login --gateway --password-stdin
- name: Deploy
run: >
faas-cli version --gateway
- name: Close tunnel
run: |
killall -9 inlets-pro
Create the following secrets:
- with your license for inletsSERVER_TOKEN
- with the token you generated earlier to authenticate the clientOPENFAAS_PASSWORD
- with your OpenFaaS admin password required for the GitHub Action to log into your OpenFaaS gatewayHere’s my GitHub Action deploying to my private OpenFaaS gateway which is not exposed on the Internet.
In the action we ran the faas-cli login
command and then the faas-cli version
command, however in a fully-fledged CI/CD pipeline, you may also build an image, publish it to a private registry then run the faas-cli deploy
Without resorting to a fully-fledged VPN, that can be hard to lock down, or a self-hosted runner which requires additional maintenance and administration, we were able to deploy to a private cluster using a tunnel.
What if you wanted to deploy to Kubernetes?
You could also forward the Kubernetes API server by changing the “–local” flag to 6443:kubernetes.default:443
. Then you’d use kubectl within your GitHub Actions, changing the server address in your KUBECONFIG file to
and adding the parameter: --tls-server-name
What if you cannot expose a LoadBalancer for the inlets server?
A workaround is to use a double-tunnel. This is beyond the scope of the article, but you are welcome to get in touch for some pointers on the configuration.
A double-tunnel, where we add an intermediary server which does have a publicly accessible IP address.
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Or get in touch with us if you have any questions about inlets.
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