Subscription Pricing

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What's included?

Get the best bits of tunnels and VPNs combined into one simple binary, that works where you need it.

From dev to production

  • Tunnel HTTP, TLS, websocket & TCP traffic.

  • Local and remote forwarding.

  • Tunnel services from VMs, Kubernetes, containers & bare-metal.

  • Connect private VPN-like tunnels or expose services publicly.

  • Kubernetes integration: LoadBalancers, Istio, Ingress & Helm.

  • Unlimited connections, rate-limits, bandwidth usage & number domains.


$25 /mo

This license is just for you. Use it at home or at work.

Buy Personal
Feature Included
Tunnels included. 5 tunnels
Cost per tunnel. 5 USD / mo
Tunnel HTTPs, websockets & REST. Yes
Tunnel TCP services. Yes
Rate limits. No
Remote forwarding Yes
Local forwarding Yes
OAuth for HTTP tunnels GitHub (username, email)
Kubernetes Integration. Yes
Commercial use. No
Payment method. Personal card only.
Feature Included
GitHub Issues. Yes
Email support. No
Free onboarding call. No


$25.00 /mo

Expose & connect services for your business, with email support.

Feature Included
Tunnels included. 1 tunnel
Cost per tunnel. 25 USD / mo
Tunnel HTTPs, websockets & REST. Yes
Tunnel TCP services. Yes
Kubernetes Integration. Yes
Rate limits. No
Remote forwarding Yes
Local forwarding Yes
OAuth for HTTP tunnels Google or GitHub (username, email, organisation)
Commercial use. Yes
Payment method. Corporate card
Feature Included
GitHub Issues. Yes
Email support. Yes
Free onboarding call. Yes

Uplink for SaaS

$250 /mo

Tunnel customer services to your SaaS.

Buy Uplink
Feature Included
Tunnels included. 10.
Cost per tunnel. 25 USD / mo
Platform fee. 250 USD / mo
Tunnel HTTPs, websockets & REST. Yes
Tunnel TCP services. Yes
Kubernetes Integration. Yes
Rate limits. No
Remote forwarding Yes
Local forwarding Yes
OAuth for HTTP tunnels n/a
Commercial use. Yes
Payment method. Corporate card
Feature Included
GitHub Issues. Yes
Email support. Yes
Free onboarding call. Yes

How many licenses do we need?

A license is needed for each inlets TCP or HTTP client that you intend to run, however a single tunnel can multiplex many different services.

There are two ways to multiple different sites or domains:

  • 1. With an inlets HTTP tunnel server/client, you can specify different domains for different services.
  • 2. With an inlets TCP tunnel you can expose ports 80 and 443 from a reverse proxy or Ingress Controller to act like a cloud load-balancer.

How many domains or sites can I expose over a single tunnel?
If you expose a reverse proxy or a Kubernetes Ingress Controller using a TCP tunnel, then you can expose as many sites as you want.
When do I need multiple HTTP tunnels clients?
You can expose as many HTTP endpoints as you like so long as they are reachable by the tunnel client. If your sites are spread across isolated networks, then you would need one per network.
Can I connect multiple clients to the same HTTP tunnel server?
Yes, this is possible, even if the tunnel clients are in different networks. Make sure you specify the domain name to use for routing. When the same name is given by multiple clients, the server will load balance
Do I need to pay to have high-availability of tunnel clients?
You can have up to three identical replicas of the same inlets tunnel client connected to the same tunnel server, at no additional cost.
When should we consider uplink over the stand-alone version?
Inlets uplink is for service providers and SaaS companies who need to create tunnels on a dynamic basis.
When do I need multiple TCP tunnels clients?
As a default, a TCP tunnel can only expose ports from a single upstream, however the
inlets-pro sshmux
command can be used to multiplex multiple SSH endpoints or TLS endpoints over one TCP tunnel.

Do I need a business or personal license?

A personal license can only be purchased with a personal email and personal card. It cannot be expensed or shared.

A business license is required for usage by or within a business. It can be expensed and shared with team-mates.

Can I use a personal license to evaluate inlets for my business?
You will require a business license, however you can buy 1-2 licenses initially for experimentation, on a monthly basis.
Can I use a personal license to set up a permanent tunnel or integration?
You may only do this at home, for personal usage, not at work or for your employer.
How do I expense a personal license?
You must pay for a personal license with your own money, and this cannot be expensed. Business licenses can be expensed.
What email address can I use for my personal license?
You'll need to use a personal email address for a personal license. We reserve the right to cancel any personal licenses bought with a company email address.
How many people can I share a personal license with?
Only business licenses can be shared between multiple people, as long as no more tunnels are launched than specified in your license.

Ask us a question

If you have questions for us, you can get in touch below.

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