Alex Ellis
As a Docker Compose user, you can now add inlets to your YAML file to expose it on the Internet.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you an example written by Johan Siebens for hosting a Ghost blog on your computer or Raspberry Pi using docker-compose and an inlets tunnel. Let’s Encrypt will be used to get a TLS certificate to serve traffic.
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. To learn more about all the features of Compose, see the list of features.
Compose works in all environments: production, staging, development, testing, as well as CI workflows.
From the Docker Docs
You’ll be able to adapt the example YAML file to other HTTP services like Grafana, OpenFaaS, and anything else that you can run in a container with Docker Compose.
Note: For Ghost specifically, you will need to upgrade to the latest release of inlets 0.9.0 or later on the tunnel server.
Ghost is a popular open-source blog engine written in Node.js which includes Content Management System (CMS) functionality, support for teams of editors, drafts, WYSWYG editing and paid memberships. The project has grown massively since its first pre-release version over 5 years ago.
You can run Ghost on your local computer using Docker, or on a Raspberry Pi. Docker Compose can be a handy way to combine all the various flags and configuration items into one place, but offers many of its own features that you can read up about in the Docker Docs.
version: '3.2'
ghost-data: {}
image: ghost:4.12.1-alpine
restart: always
url: "https://${GHOST_DOMAIN}"
- "ghost-data:/var/lib/ghost/content"
Then add ghost.env
When running on your laptop or local network,
will probably not work since it isn’t going to map to a public IP address. Instead, you would probably add an entry to your /etc/hosts
file or local DNS service.
Then to test your blog, you would go ahead and run:
docker-compose --env-file ghost.env up
Any changes that you make would be saved into the ghost-data
folder and persisted between restarts of the blog.
Now to expose your blog on the Internet, you’ll need to create your own inlets tunnel server and configure it to fetch a Let’s Encrypt certificate for you.
Here’s an example with Linode, but there are other providers supported:
inletsctl create \
--provider linode \
--region us-east \
--access-token-file $HOME/linode-key.txt \
--letsencrypt-email webmaster@$DOMAIN \
--letsencrypt-domain $DOMAIN
At the end of the creation, inletsctl will print out all the connection information that you require.
inlets Pro HTTPS (0.8.8) server summary:
HTTPS Domains: []
Auth-token: c663ac57e2ae697ebea3fbe02c051194a7ea9cc3
# Obtain a license at
# Store it at $HOME/.inlets/LICENSE or use --help for more options
# Where to route traffic from the inlets server
export UPSTREAM=""
inlets-pro http client --url "wss://" \
--token "c663ac57e2ae697ebea3fbe02c051194a7ea9cc3" \
--upstream $UPSTREAM
To delete:
inletsctl delete --provider linode --id "29961421"
Your next task is to create a DNS record for the IP address of the tunnel server, you can use an A record or a CNAME. Do not miss this step, otherwise your tunnel server will not be able to start up and obtain a certificate for your blog.
Note down the URL or inlets, the IP address of the tunnel server and the auth token.
Update your compose file to the following:
version: '3.2'
ghost-data: {}
image: ghost:4.12.1-alpine
restart: always
url: "https://${GHOST_DOMAIN}"
- "ghost-data:/var/lib/ghost/content"
restart: always
command: [
"--url", "${INLETS_URL}",
"--token", "${INLETS_TOKEN}",
"--license", "${INLETS_LICENSE}",
"--upstream", "${GHOST_DOMAIN}=http://ghost:2368"
Notice that there are a number of new environment variables referenced?
The --upstream
variable is able to use the name ghost
to look-up the ghost container. Compose creates a network bridge which enables service discovery by name for the containers in your stack.
You could even expose multiple services from within the same compose file with one inlets client. Here’s an example for if you had Grafana in your YAML file too.
"--upstream", "${GHOST_DOMAIN}=http://ghost:2368,${GRAFANA_DOMAIN}=http://grafana:3000"
Next update ghost.env
with the values you received from inletsctl:
with the contents from .inlets/LICENSE
or your Gumroad subscription token.
Run the following to start the inlets and ghost containers:
docker-compose --env-file ghost.env up
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:09] INFO Relation: Role to Permission
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:09] INFO Relation: Post to Tag
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:09] INFO Relation: User to Role
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:09] INFO Database is in a ready state.
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:09] INFO Ghost database ready in 3.621s
ghost_1 | [2021-09-09 15:04:12] INFO Ghost booted in 6.359s
You’ll now be able to access your blog:
To create your admin account, add /ghost
to the end of the URL.
Here’s my sample blog:
The TLS certificate will be managed and automatically renewed by inlets.
You can expose any website you like in this way. If you already use docker-compose, try adding inlets to your YAML file for a public IP address, custom sub-domain and a free TLS certificate.
Here are a few suggestions:
Many container images are made available for free on the Docker Hub and if you can run it within a docker-compose file, and it accepts HTTP traffic or has a web UI, you can probably use inlets to gain access to it.
If you want to run a tunnel to expose something on your local network which is not part of a Docker Compose file, that’s possible too through a simple inlets client process: Serve traffic through a private self-hosted tunnel
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